Do Aliens Have Three Fingers?
The question is, “Do aliens have three fingers?”
Recently, I watched a documentary about people going missing in Alaska and of a strange creature that’s been seen in the surrounding forest.
So, is there
a connection?
With reports
of a strange monkey type creature with a coiled tail being seen that stands about
four feet tall, anything’s possible.
Eye witness
accounts claim to have seen these creatures on the ground or in the trees. They
describe them as having red eyes, three clawed fingers and three toes.
The other
thing reported about these creatures are that they’re super-smart, as they appear
to create traps to capture large animals - which could also include humans…
With humans
going missing in Alaska, could these creatures be to blame?
One eye witness
had a narrow escape. When investigators reporting for the documentary went to
the location a week after the eye witness’s encounter. They came across a tree structure
made from broken, NOT CUT, branches that were woven across the pathway, creating
a trap.
The eye
witness claimed that on the night of his encounter he’d heard noises from all
directions and felt like they were surrounding him. Spooked, he ran as fast as
he could back to his vehicle, which no doubt saved his life, especially as the
trap was very close to his encounter. If these creatures had been successful, he
would’ve been led into their trap without any chance of escape and to become another
missing person in Alaska. Now how scary is that!
After hearing
numerous stories about these three fingered creatures, there’s no doubt that unidentified
predatory animals are inhabiting these forests.
So, is this an
evolutionary creature or is this an alien?
I ask this
question as these creatures are very similar to those reported in Mexico, where
three eye witness were terrified when they’d encountered a strange looking
creature. It was small, about three feet tall, had red eyes, three fingers and
three toes and had black skin.
So, what are
these creatures?
Are they descendants
from the same species?
Whatever the
answer, as more people go missing in Alaska, these strange monkey type
creatures cannot be ruled out.
But hey I’m
no expert.
So, do aliens
have three fingers?
What do you
Author: Charmain Ingleton
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