Could A Building Be A Rocket?

The question is, “Could a building be a rocket?”

When travelling through the City of London, the most eye-catching building in my opinion is, 30 St Mary Axe, informally nicknamed, ‘The Gherkin.’

However, if you look at the mysterious structure from a distance, it looks very much like a rocket!

Is it possible, that it’s really a space rocket in disguise?

As new futuristic buildings appear around the world shaped like rockets and spacecrafts, are these based, on previously seized alien spacecrafts that had crashed to Earth?

Hmm, I wonder?

If our planet was on the eve of destruction, would these unusual structures become operational and blast into space, leaving us behind?

Most probably!

When you next visit a town or city, take a look at the skyline. You might see an unusual rocket or spacecraft looking structure. Built in plain sight and ready for lift off!

But hey, I’m no expert.

So, could a building be a rocket?

What do you think?


Author: Charmain Ingleton


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