
Showing posts from June, 2021

Can We Time Travel?

The question is, “Can we time travel?” Unfortunately, it’s claimed that time travel isn’t possible without a portal, a wormhole or time machine. Or like in Star Trek, we slingshot off a star! Well, I’m no scientist, but I’ve time travelled to and from the future and surprisingly enough so have a lot of people. Now I’ve not gone through a portal or wormhole and I’ve not used a time machine, or been on board the Enterprise, but I have been on an aeroplane. I travelled to Jamaica which I’ve gone back in time by 6 hours UK time and on my return to the United Kingdom, I travelled 6 hours into the future. So, the simple answer is yes, we can time travel. So, if you've travelled to America, Japan, Australia or beyond then you too have experienced time travel. I’m not sure if the physicists would agree though... But hey, I’m no expert. So, can we time travel? What do you think?   Author: Charmain Ingleton

What’s A Chemtrail?

The question is, “What’s a Chemtrail? Have you ever noticed cloudy lines or white streaks that are sometimes patterned in a criss-cross design across the sky? Well, if you have, do you think their dangerous? Now, I'm not sure what it is, but I could hazard a guess based on what it’s called and say that it’s something to do with chemicals in the sky. If that’s true, then why is it being done? Apparently, some are innocent; as compressed water vapour from aircrafts released into the atmosphere makes trails that disappear quickly. However, there are many that appear more sinister where the trails don’t disappear; instead, they spread out into hazy cloudy streaks that last for hours. Therefore, are we being bombarded with chemicals falling from the sky? With a worldwide increase in asthma, allergies and respiratory diseases, isn’t it possible that these trails are contributing to our ill health? It’s a sure way of keeping the population levels down! Maybe ...

Is Earth Becoming A Sink Holed Earth?

The question, “Is Earth becoming a sink holed Earth?” Our planet is beginning to look pockmarked as more sinkholes spring up everywhere. As they continue to appear unexpectedly under your feet, house or horizon, its apparent that we’re unable to prevent them from happening.   My theory; is that all sinkholes will eventually join together and become one huge hole in Earth's crust.  When that happens the seas and fresh water across the world will merge and spill into one humongous hole and become an ocean; but then what happens to us? Would there be any human survivors? Would we be able to survive on the outer rim of this great hole without fresh water? I think not… Now, I’m no fear monger but could mankind be extinct by the end of the 21 st  century? We need to protect the planet and the future of our children, grandchildren, grandchildren’s children and their children etc, etc… So, maybe it’s time we planned for this type of event, before it’s too late! ...

Is A Drone A Robot?

The question, “Is a drone a robot?" Friend or foe, love them or hate them, are drones, robots? Apparently, it’s the user that decides its fate. To either create a wonderful tool to bring happiness and joy, or to bring death and destruction! Generally, drones can be used for the greater good. Fitted with filming or camera equipment, it can bring a new perspective to watching a video or programme on television. With no wires attached the ariel views capture images not seen before, this was surely a great robot to have. But unfortunately, like most products with positive attributes, there are those who view new products in a more sinister way. Turning a docile positive flying object into a flying spy, or a machine, with a licence to kill! Now, we have flying unmanned machines that kill people from great distances without harm to its unknown user. .. To top it off, they’ve now created insect drones. How scary is that, for how will we ever be able to tell them apart? ...