About Me

Hello everyone,

My name is Charmain Ingleton, I am an author and blogger of science fiction.

I live in London and although I’m a very spiritual being, I’m also very interested in aliens, conspiracy theories and the unexplained.

As a small child I saw something huge hovering above the school playing field.
I thought it was a balloon but within seconds it started to move off silently before disappearing.

Years later the memory of this sparked my interest.

Now I believe that some of us have the unique ability to tune into frequencies that match strange happenings, but hey that’s only my opinion.

I’ve seen many unusual things in my time and it’s these that continue to inspire me.

I believe in that saying “If you think you saw it, you did,” so I hope you enjoy my blog posts, where you can give your own opinion too!

Thank you for reading.


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