Why Do Mysterious Lights Appear In The Sky?

The question is, “Why do mysterious lights appear in the sky?”

Is it to find new test subjects for their next experiment, or are they just observing us from a distance?

So, what do we do when strange lights appear in the sky?

Do we runaway and hide?

No, we get our cameras out!


Initially we’re excited at witnessing what could be an amazing event.

Better still, as more of us carry mobile phones we’re able to capture the moment immediately, as an image, or recorded video, that can be shared online.

It’s in our nature to be curious, we just can’t help ourselves.

That’s great, but have you ever stopped to wonder, that what you’re looking at could affect you, for the rest of your life?

How do you know that whilst you’re busy looking up at them, they’re not capturing your image and genetic makeup?

It’s possible that one day, they’ll come back for you…

But what if, they already have, it’s just that you have no knowledge of it?

But hey, I’m no expert.

So, why do mysterious lights appear in the sky?

What do you think?


Author: Charmain Ingleton



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