Are Obelisks Beacons?

The question is, “Are Obelisks beacons?”

First of all, do you know what an Obelisk is?

Well, an Obelisk is a monolithic stone monument that has four sides with inscriptions made from one piece of stone. There’s usually a pyramidion (a pyramid shape) at the top that’s often topped with gold, or an alloy called electrum.

These were always placed in pairs by the ancient Egyptians at the entrances of their temples.

Associated with the Egyptian sun god. The rays of the sun increased in width as it reached the Earth…

So, with this knowledge.

Isn't it possible, that the rays of light from the pyramidion acted like a beacon to show a landing site or flight path?

Also, as these Obelisks have been dispersed across the world, have we now made it easier for space travellers to ‘route find’ alien underground bases on this planet?

If not, then why do many countries have one? There's no doubt in my mind that they're of some importance. 

But hey, I’m no scientist.

So, are Obelisks beacons?

What do you think?


Author: Charmain Ingleton



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