What's A Staircase Doing In The Antarctic?

The question is, “What’s a staircase doing in the Antarctic?”

I read an article about a satellite image of the Antarctic.

What was strange about the image or the picture taken of the Antarctic, was that it showed a giant staircase!

Now some say they’re too big to be stairs, but that’s if you believe humans had made them.

Deep under ice, it would appear to be impossible for us to have dug those without help of some kind, especially considering the weather temperatures and where they’re placed.

This I find very interesting for if there’s a staircase what else lurks beneath the ice?

The Antarctic holds many secrets and this is truly one of them.

However, I believe another species lives under the ice; it’s just we haven’t met them yet.

But hey, that’s just my opinion.

What do you think?


Author: Charmain Ingleton



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