Does Space Plankton Exist?
The question is, “Does space Plankton exist?” Our seas are magnificent and so is the universe. Although we sail in ships and dive to the bottom of our oceans in submarines there is still plenty of ocean surface, that lays undiscovered. Under a microscope, sea water brings many surprises with unusual looking plants and animals. Some are known to us whilst there are some that are not. Either way we call them Plankton. With this in mind, although there’s still much more to discover under the ocean humans don’t want to pursue it. Their interest appears to be more focused on space and I don’t mean an ‘empty space’ but the ‘universe’ type space. Now this is only my opinion, but isn’t it possible that there’s transparent lifeforms similar to plankton floating or gliding continuously within the darkness of space? Basically, ‘Space Plankton.’ Just because it hasn’t been discovered yet doesn’t mean it’s doesn’t exist… It’s been proven here on Earth that creatures can survive in e...