
Showing posts from January, 2022

What’s Skull Binding?

The question is, “What’s skull binding?” I read an article about an ancient woman’s remains that is estimated to be around 2,000 years old. It had been discovered in central Russia’s Chelyabinsk region. Scientists have dismissed the idea that this new discovery was of an alien female and suggested that her elongated skull was due to it being tied up. Apparently, this is what the tribes did to the children in those days. However, there’s no mention of any other remains found, or if the same was done to the males. So, was it possible, that the skull was elongated at the time of birth whilst the babies soft spot on the head was still visible? However, there is one issue with this method. With the force of binding, wouldn’t it incur pain to the infant and possibly damage the brain if the skull was bound in a way to elongate it? Also, centuries ago, Chinese women and young girls had their feet bound that kept them small. So, with this in mind. How can a head beco...

Did Christopher Columbus See A UFO?

The question is, “Did Christopher Columbus See a UFO?” I read an article about Christopher Columbus which I found very interesting. Apparently, even he had sighted an unidentified flying object in 1492… He was with Pedro Gutierrez on the deck of his ship, ‘The Santa Maira,’ when they observed at a distance a glimmering light. It vanished and re-appeared several times during the night where it was seen moving up and down. As this light was witnessed four hours before any land was sighted, he took it as a sign that they’d soon reach land. Don’t you find this interesting. That even after such reports from another great man, that even today with all our technology, we’re still quick to dismiss the idea of UFO sightings . But hey, that’s just my opinion. What do you think?   Author: Charmain Ingleton  

Are Aliens A Myth?

The question is, “Are aliens a myth?” I’ve read many articles about whether aliens exist or not. Some suggest that aliens are just a myth, or are a figment of our own imagination. Well now, I could agree if it wasn’t for the fact that in 329 BC in Central Asia. Alexander the Great, recorded seeing two silver shields spitting fire around the rims in the sky diving repeatedly, at his army… Or, that in England in 1676. Edmund Halley the discoverer of the ‘Halley’s Comet’ saw a UFO, that was said to have a vast body apparently bigger than the moon! He also recalled seeing an unidentified flying object on a second occasion too. So, did these great men have an even greater imagination, or would you deduce, that aliens exist? Personally, I don’t believe anyone in their right mind especially in those days, would record on a document, that they’d seen a flying object, unless it was the TRUTH . But hey, that’s just my opinion. What do you think?  Author: Ch...

What’s The Voynich Manuscript?

The question is, “What’s the Voynich Manuscript? The Voynich Manuscript also known as Beinecke MS408 was written in a language, that through the centuries, has been unsuccessful to decode. Although, it’s an illustrated hand written codex with text written from left to right, it has an unknown writing system. The vellum or parchment was carbon dated, back to the 15th century. It was named after Wilfrid Yoynich a Polish book dealer, who purchased it in 1912. Many have tried unsuccessfully to decode this manuscript, but none have yet succeeded in deciphering the text. Some believe that by unlocking the written code. The text could reveal buried treasure… So, could this be a treasure map of sorts? Or is this the work of an author, scribing his knowledge down on parchment? What do you think?   Author: Charmain Ingleton

What’s The Antikythera Mechanism?

The question is, “What’s the Antikythera Mechanism?” In the 1900’s a device was found in a shipwreck near Greece. It had a complex series of bronze gears that was recognised as an analogue computer. Named the Antikythera Mechanism, it was created around 100BC before the modern understanding of astronomy and physics. A wooden box that it was originally contained in showed instructions; the large dial displayed an Egyptian calendar as well as the Greek zodiac. This was thought to be used to calculate planetary positions. During 100BC Dionysius Thrax published Art of Grammar and Rome was dominating the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea; but with so much going on, I’m not surprised that the technology didn’t advance. However, with all that said, I’m still surprised that this device was created around 100BC. The creator’s mindset must have been so advanced to design something that could calculate planetary positions. My theory is that either the design...