Are Aliens A Myth?

The question is, “Are aliens a myth?”

I’ve read many articles about whether aliens exist or not.

Some suggest that aliens are just a myth, or are a figment of our own imagination.

Well now, I could agree if it wasn’t for the fact that in 329 BC in Central Asia. Alexander the Great, recorded seeing two silver shields spitting fire around the rims in the sky diving repeatedly, at his army…

Or, that in England in 1676. Edmund Halley the discoverer of the ‘Halley’s Comet’ saw a UFO, that was said to have a vast body apparently bigger than the moon!

He also recalled seeing an unidentified flying object on a second occasion too.

So, did these great men have an even greater imagination, or would you deduce, that aliens exist?

Personally, I don’t believe anyone in their right mind especially in those days, would record on a document, that they’d seen a flying object, unless it was the TRUTH.

But hey, that’s just my opinion.

What do you think? 

Author: Charmain Ingleton



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